
The film takes place entirely in a BMW, yet remains powerfully evocative.
Karina Abadia
Published on July 01, 2014


The entire movie takes place inside a BMW and yet it's got the critics raving. Writer/director Steven Knight's powerfully evocative film starts with Locke, a Welsh construction supervisor played by Tom Hardy, leaving a Birmingham building site and driving through the night to London. His family are expecting him home and Locke is due to supervise a hugely important concrete pour the next day. But he has more pressing matters to attend to.

As he drives he makes and takes a series of phone calls and the reason for his seemingly erratic behaviour slowly becomes clear. Locke is determined to put right a mistake which could cost him his job, his family and possibly even his sanity. Supported by a brilliant unseen supporting cast, Hardy does a masterful job of portraying a man teetering on the edge.

Click here to see more of our picks at the NZ International Film Festival 2014.


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