Offally Good

No guts, no glory.
Lauren Harrigan
Published on July 21, 2016


WBC (Wholesale Boot Company, for the unititiated, named for the former use of their premises on Victoria Street) are having an offal couple of days over WOAP. They're eating our local livestock inside and out, and sourcing a wide range of ears, tongue, internal organs and feet for our dining pleasure (doesn't that sound nice?). The five-course degustation will include tuna hearts, rabbits kidneys, bone broth, chicken's feet, skin, brains and a liver or three. Paired with delicious wine and beer for each course, you're in brilliant hands with WBC.  No guts, no glory.

Offally Good runs in four sessions:

Saturday 13 August, 10am–2pm
Saturday 13 August, 3pm–7pm
Sunday 14 August, 10am–2pm
Sunday 14 August, 3pm–7pm


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