Only Bones v1.0

A quirky performance on a one-metre stage.
Laetitia Laubscher
Published on March 11, 2019


Only Bones v1.0 is an award-winning production created by New Zealanders Thom Monckton and Gemma Tweedie, and Finland's Kallo Collective. The concept is pretty simple: Monckton's stage has a one-metre diameter. The stage consists of a chair, a lamp and a painted circle marking the boundary.

With ridiculous limitations come ridiculous results. "With its quirky, low-tech aesthetic and using just his bendy, wiggling hands and seemingly uncontrollable face, Monckton creates an exquisite piece of micro-physical theatre unlike anything you've seen before," the Fringe Festival write about this intriguing offering.

The unique micro-physical theatre concept and Monckton's hilarious delivery has seen the show be performed in Lapland, an art museum in Mexico City, a converted prison in French Guiana, the 2016 Edinburgh Fringe and in 13 other countries around the world.


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