Petra Cortright: Running Neo-Geo Games Under Mame
"The Monet of the 21st century."
Microsoft Paint has the option to choose which kind of brushstroke you're going to use to create marks on your screen: does that make it painting? Can painting be digital? This is what curator Aaron Lister wants to you to consider as you take in Petra Cortright's first ever New Zealand show Running Neo-Geo Games Under Mame at City Gallery Wellington.
Dubbed "the Monet of the 21st century" by Artsy, Cortright creates her paintings in the digital realm from a range of online sources without paint or brushes. The finished works are printed onto linen and paper, turning intangible untouchable pixels into beautiful layered artworks that you'll want to run your fingertips over to see if the surface is flat (but don't — the gallery hosts will tell you off).
As a digital native Petra Cortright naturally has a very good website and Instagram game which are well worth an online stalk as well.
Image: Petra Cortright: RUNNING NEO-GEO GAMES UNDER MAME exhibition view at City Gallery Wellington. 2017.