Part-fairytale, part-thriller and part-coming age story, Putorino Hill traces the life of an old man through the complexities of manhood, love and grief.
Playwright Chris Molloy explains “essentially Putorino Hill is about healing and what one person needs to do to achieve healing. I was inspired by philosophies from my Christian upbringing and Maori spirituality, but at the heart of it is an old man finally being able to to tell his story.”
The play is set in a rural Reinga township where the mundane malaise of the everyday collapses into a supernatural nightmare which changes Whiti's life and his hometown irrevocably.
Putorino Hill will be showing at Bats Theatre from July 1 until July 5.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014 - Saturday, July 5, 2014
Tuesday, July 1 - Saturday, July 5, 2014
Bats Theatre60 Dixon Street
Te Aro