Event Wellington

Rise of the Star Women

A seven-dish feast inspired by the rising of the Pleiades constellation.
Stephen Heard
July 01, 2020


From the organisers of Verb Wellington and Lōemis Festival, and as part of a monthly supper club collaboration with Field & Green, comes a feast inspired by the women of the sky.

Every May through June, the seven-headed Pleiades constellation rises in north-eastern skies. Cultures around the world connect the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades with the concept of life and death, due to the fact these 'star women' signaled the beginning and end of the seasons, when to sow and when to harvest, and when to engage in festivities. In Māori culture the cluster is recognised as Matariki, marking the turn of the new year and a time to honour Aotearoa's identity, to reflect, look forward and connect with friends and whānau.

The collaborative Rise of the Star Women dinner on Wednesday, 15 July will celebrate the rise of Matariki across seven dishes. There will be a focus on wild foods. Poetry readings will also take place across the night.

Seating is grouped at tables – you can book in a large group or come along in a smaller group and meet some new people sitting next to you. The event is unable to cater for any dietary requirements.




Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Field & Green
262 Wakefield Street


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