The Bats

Four friends with a few stories.
Barret Helander
Published on April 24, 2014


The Bats are one of Flying Nun’s many veteran outfits. With frontman Robert Scott (1/3 of The Clean), they are about as experienced as it gets in the local industry, with their first show; new years eve Dunedin 1982. Playing two consecutive nights in Wellington on Friday, May 23 and Saturday, May 24 at Puppies, they are not to be missed.

Really a live band, as opposed to one best heard through recordings, they have seen the world as a result. If you’re a fan you probably already have your tickets to both nights. But for those who aren’t my good friend who interns at Flying Nun tells me that this song is one of their best. The second one is only an mp3, but is such a beautiful tune.


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