The End of Puppies

After 20-odd months, Wellington's D.I.Y venue is closing.
Stephen Heard
Published on June 13, 2014


It's only been open 20-odd months yet the time has come for Wellington's D.I.Y venue Puppies to close its doors.

The venue was opened as an experiment in October 2012 by purveyor of the New Zealand indie scene, Blink. He initially said it would be "a totally radical approach to running a bar and like nothing else I’ve encountered in the world," and would "identify everything lacking within the system and create an entirely new framework, to the smallest detail."

To mark the end of Puppies, Blink puts it simply, "I'm having a mean-as party to celebrate."

In fact, he's having two mean-as parties. At each, ten acts will take the stage, as announced via the venue's Facebook page on the day. Blink will also be releasing his latest book, "The Problem with Music in New Zealand, how we can fix it and why I started and ran Puppies".

A huge garage sale of of Puppies is also underway via Trademe. Up for grabs is bar stuff, music stuff, photographic stuff, personal stuff, audio equipment, art, event stuff, cool shit, mementos from A Low Hum and records.


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