Theare + Feminism Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon

A step towards equality, starting with one of the most reliable sources of unreliable information on the web, Wikipedia.
Diana Clarke
Published on August 04, 2015


Calling all female and male feminists alike, the Theare + Feminism Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon is a step towards equality, starting with one of the most reliable sources of unreliable information on the web, Wikipedia. Hosted by Playmarket, the Edit-A-Thon is a campaign to up the ante for New Zealand women in theatre, who are currently notably underrepresented online, by giving them a Wiki-presence.

Meet up with other Wiki-editors helping with the cause at Playmarket, and get the low down on basic Wikipedia editing from art curator and Wikipedia editor Bridget Reweti. Help is on hand, as well as free wifi throughout the day, light refreshments, endless coffee and referencing resources to give your posts some rare credibility.

Go sign up as a Wikipedia editor here, so that you're all set on the day, and get promoting our local female theatrical talent.


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