Event Wellington

Tree, Horse, Human: Three New Poets

Writers explore how personal history can rub up against the domains of politics, pop culture and science.
Laetitia Laubscher
July 14, 2014


Writers on Mondays is a free weekly event held weekly, on Mondays, from July 14 until September 29. Each week local and international writers, screenwriters and poets like Peter Cox - who wrote Insider's Guide to Happiness, Mexican-born Michael Schmidt who founded two poetry presses in the UK, and ex-TVNZ US correspondent Tim Wilson talk about the work and inspiration involved in putting those ink blots on paper.

Tree, Horse, Human: Three New Poets hosts writers Maria McMillan (Tree Space), Rachel O'Neill (One Human in Height) and Marty Smith (Horse with Hat), who will examine the process of writing, and explore how personal history can rub up against the broader public domains of politics, pop culture and science. "We all sift through the drift of inheritance to find what is magnetic, useful and active," writes Rachel O'Neill.

Tree, Horse, Human: Three New Poets is a free event.




Mon, Jul 21, 2014

Monday, July 21, 2014



Te Papa Museum
55 Cable St


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