Wake Up Tomorrow

A theatrical collage aboard an aircraft.
Diana Clarke
Published on February 24, 2015

In partnership with


We all know the characteristic pain and boredom that comes hand in hand with long haul flying. One boards a 747 with the expectation of spending the next 12 hours cramped, uncomfortable and cursing that mother who thought it wise to bring their teething toddler on-board. Everybody Cool Lives Here presents a flight that is nothing of the sort.

In what might be the most entertaining long haul plane ride to travel the skies, the show is directed by Isobel MacKinnon and made up of emerging local thespian talent. Also in collaboration with Active, a branch of IDEA Services, the groups work together to produce an eclectic production featuring a range of theatrical disciplines, and create a world that combines the real with the surreal aboard the aircraft.

The resulting performance is a theatrical collage. Groups of characters and their experience on the flight act as chapters, with each chapter flowing into the next. We follow one traveller as he witnesses each event unfold, through a different mode of theatre, for a diverse performance that could never be labelled as mundane.


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