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Bartender Bar Tour With Samuel Kopua from Boulcott St Bistro

Samuel Kopua's favourite bars.

Laetitia Laubscher
October 24, 2014


The 33-year-old Samuel Michael James Kopua was raised across the Tasmanian gulf in the picturesque-sounding suburb of Fairy Meadow in Wollongong. The Aussie export has been bartending for the last 15 years of his life.

Concrete Playground: What's your favourite drink?
Samuel Kopua: Anything bitter - so a Negroni, espresso or an IPA.

CP: What do you think of Wellington's nightlife?
SK: There is a ever-evolving scene and every year a new trendy bar is born. I've seen many of them come and go. Anywhere you go in Wellington will be great, you just have to be in the right frame of mind and know what you want to drink.

CP: Tell us an interesting story about yourself.
SK: I was with Latitude22 Travel in Jodhpur, Rajasthan and my brother-in-law got gored in his 'already sore' left butt cheek he and his daughter got launched up a metre in the air and I was worried about my niece getting hurt so I grabbed both horns of the beast and rode it like a bike steering the bull down the street then realised I better let the cow go because they're meant to be sacred.

CP: Who do you look up to?
SK: Chuck Hughes from 'Chucks Day Off'.

CP: All right, so Chuck Hughes turns up at your bar and asks you where the best bars are. What do you recommend?
SK: Well, I'd recommend Garage Project, Southern Cross for a late lunch and drink, Havana Bar, Good Luck and The Matterhorn.

1. Garage Project

The raddest place on the planet if you like beer and breweries.

Insider tip: Ian and Pete Gillespie and Jos Ruffell own the place and they are the future of craft brewing: fill up your rigger.

2. Southern Cross

The new age cosmopolitan club, with a great garden bar.

Insider tip: There is a lot of everything - you'll see what I mean.

3. Havana Bar

Aro Valley loyalty and royalty must be taken into account.

Insider tip: Holly Gulliver is the babe in charge, and a great Maitre d' if your hungry.

4. Good Luck

Cuba Street has a furnace: it's the d-floor in Good Luck. The bar has great DJs.

Insider tip: I had a Whiskey Sour there that was my all-time favourite in Wellington (ask for Benedictine in it instead of sugar syrup).

5. The Matterhorn

It's one great place to finish up and good for smokers as well.

Insider tip: There's a great courtyard for smokers out back.