Food & Drink

London's Getting Its First 'Real Time' Stock Market Bar

Where cocktail prices fluctuate in real time, according to supply and demand.
By Shannon Connellan
June 11, 2015

Calling all Gordon Gekkos and Jordan Belforts, the UK's got a new bar for you. The Reserve Bar Stock Exchange is London's new venue where drink prices fluctuate in real time according to their nightly popularity, opening on June 17.

Set across three floors, Reserve is attempting to connect customers to the value of their cocktails, and how quickly one drink can rise in value while another crashes. It all depends on which drink is most popular on the night — classic supply and demand.

There's a live market price board where you can see how different cocktails are doing, and the bar's smartphone app will let you keep track of things at your table — an app that also allows patrons to order cocktails right to their table. The bar's advice? "Buy low, play the market, and when the market crashes... everybody wins." We guess that means a sweet cheapo special.

So who's the Wolf of Wall Street behind this whole deal? Reserve has been dreamt up by Alan Grant and his crew, whose former escapades include London's Cherry Jam, Supper Club and Notting Hill Arts Club. It's London's first bar of its kind, but it's not the world's — Austin, Texas has a stock market themed bar called The Brew Exchange, where the hundred beers on tap fluctuate according to popularity.

If you happen to be in London (or you've got buds over there) before the bar opens on June 17, Reserve is offering punters the chance to feel like a right ol' Gecko — you can invest £25, £50 or £100 in the bar and you'll double your money instantly with a 100% return of £50, £100 or £200 in bar credit.

The Reserve Bar Stock Exchange opens on June 17 at 46 Gresham Street, London.

Via The Drinks Business.

Image: Dollar Photo Club.