News Food & Drink

Wellington Pub Serves Stag Semen Beer

This is what this world has come to.
Francois Finlay
August 07, 2015


Yeah, so this happened. We're half-heartedly reeling as well as being also being equally intrigued. We have a lot of questions. Here are some answers:

Responsible for the abomination are local brewers Choice Bros, probably looking for a little free publicity pre-Beervana. Well, they got that. We're assured that the deer semen is "export quality", however that was judged. The stag was apparently "milked" and had a restful sleep afterwards. The stout beer has a "creamy" mouthfeel. “Everyone so far has swallowed and not spat… The beer itself is excellent. It’s a creamy chocolate stout with coffee notes. The semen… well that’s something you’ve got to experience to describe”, pub director Steve Drummond, a man who clearly knows his sexual innuendo, told Buzzfeed.

This is not The Green Man's first time serving semen. Stuff reported that "In 2011 its apple-infused horse semen shots proved popular with women, while 2013 saw syringes of stag semen on offer."

And after doing the calculations of the novelty to expense ratio, and then after thinking about it too much, we conclude that one's best off shrugging one's shoulders and then heading down to The Green Man on Victoria Street in Wellington to try this thing out. Long live gimmicks.