Travel & Leisure

Sunset at the Brooklyn Windmills

Let the turbines literally blow away your worries.
By Madeline Chatterley
November 29, 2016
Wellington Wind Turbine

Owhiro Bay, Brooklyn

As the day comes to an end and tomorrow seems daunting, watching the sunset at the Brooklyn Windmills is your only remedy. On the outskirts of the city are the windmills and they're good for more than you'd expect. A short drive will take you to the bottom of the Brooklyn hill and a shorter walk will take you to the top where the windmills loom across the city. Along the walk are old war bunkers and the best spot (in our opinion) to watch the sun set over the city.

Even on the skirts of the city everything falls to the wayside. A little bit of nature can do so much for the mind. Come alone or drag your flatmates along, this view is Wellington's little gem. It's a vast space without much but a few wild bunnies and art covered war bunkers. Spend your week night with fish and chips, a well-deserved beer and a strikingly good view of the sunset.

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