Things to Do Nelson

Nelson Beer Trail

Work your way through hop country and New Zealand’s beer capital on a sampling circuit that’ll take you around local family-run breweries from the seaside to the foothills.
Concrete Playground
September 06, 2017


The top of the South Island is the country's sunniest region which makes it ideal for growing hops, the essential ingredient in beer. Early German settlers quickly understood this and the region has been producing excellent beer for over 150 years — making Nelson the craft beer capital of New Zealand and home to many locally owned, family-run breweries. You could easily spend a whole day on the sampling circuit from the seaside to the foothills. Start at Founders Brewery in the Nelson CBD and work your way round through Riwaka to The Mussel Inn in Collingwood. You can walk to some of them, follow the cycle loop or get someone to drive.



Nelson City Centre
City Centre