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This Tokyo Hostel Lets You Live Out Your Dream of Sleeping in a Bookstore

Bento + bed + books.
Lauren Vadnjal
December 22, 2015


If travelling is synonymous with getting into a good book or, whenever you walk into a bookshop, you get this strange feeling to curl up on the shelves and go to sleep, you need to book a flight to Tokyo and reserve yourself sleeping shelf at Book and Bed hostel.

The hostel describes themselves as an "accommodation bookshop", which is exactly what it sounds like. It's no five-star deal here; at Book and Bed, the commodity is words, rather than luxury. It is budget accommodation after all, and for around $50 AUD a night, they're offering you the chance to sleep surrounded by stories, the smell of printed pages and the sound of other hostellers greedily flipping through their own books in their bed each night. Sounds much more chill than your usual hostel, where most people are doing anything but book-reading.

The hostel is designed has been designed as a lounge-like bookshop, so you can pick out a book and read it in the lobby, or take it back to bed with you for some horizontal action. And if you're thinking that the beds are just out the back somewhere, you're wrong — the beds are actually built into the bookshelves. Yep, you'll be sleeping where the books sleep. Needless to say, this makes for a bit of a pod-like situation, so don't come expecting room to move. It's all about reading. And nodding off to sleep mid-chapter every night.

Book and Bed Tokyo is located in the Toshima-ku ward, and is close to Ikebukuro Station. For more information, visit their website.