Attention Snow Fiends: Mt Ruapehu Got a Snow Dump So Big That Some Ski Fields Are Opening Early
A powerful winter storm has covered the mountain in snow just ahead of some major openings.
Drop everything and start getting your snow gear out of storage. Mt Ruapehu lay directly in the path of a powerful winter storm this week — the sort of weather that would send crowds fleeing for the foothills. Conveniently, it occurred mere days ahead of the planned opening of parts of the ski fields, so nobody was hurt and the runs were absolutely blanketed in as much as two metres of snow. Truly stunning news for anyone planning a trip to the mountain this winter.
Of course, some work still needs to be done to get everything ready for the crowds. As of the time of writing, gale-force winds are still roaring over most of the mountain but are expected to clear ahead of the weekend. The hotly anticipated High Noon Express Lift is undergoing final checks ahead of the planned opening on Sunday, while the Knoll Ridge T-Bar is also on track to open once the weather clears.

Isaac Feldon
Several Whakapapa trails and T-lines might actually open ahead of schedule thanks to the huge snow dump. Final touches on the Far West T-Bar are due as soon as the weather breaks, along with general grooming and de-icing across the mountain. The snowfall also means that the West Ridge Quad and Double Happy will both open for the first time since 2021.
Rally the crew and book your lift passes ASAP. Needless to say, it won't take long for the mountain to get busy so give yourself a head start and get booking here.
Images: De-Anna Studer, Lawrence Smithson