Jeu Play

Become part of an orchestra...
Karina Abadia
Published on February 12, 2013


Immerse yourself in the installation Jeu Play or translated from French Play Play! Double fun. Literally. Become part of an orchestra, playing the work with interfaces such as sensors and joysticks to produce compositions of sound and light. The work can be experienced in two ways. You can to walk into the shipping container and interact with it as a performer. Alternatively you can get a group of people together and a designated conductor will led the composition, taking you on a journey through the piece.

Harry Silver of Interrupt Collective says it reflects the group's key interests while also remaining highly accessible. "We are really into interaction and design with new media and the concept of an orchestra is something that everyone understands.

"I hope people have fun with the installation but I'd also like people to be able to see the potential of what you can do with technology in this age we are living in. It's a pretty abstract idea but we have been able to say let's have an interactive joystick orchestra, hack it together and make it happen."


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