News Culture

One Day On Earth Brings the World’s Filmmakers Together

Filmmakers across the globe participated in the One Day On Earth project to capture the images and stories of 10/10/10.

Gemma O'Donoghue
July 18, 2011


What were you doing on 10/10/10? It appears that innumerable professional and amateur filmmakers from over 200 countries were filming the world around them as part of the One Day On Earth Project. The initiative aimed to collect the many and varied stories and images of that particular day - pregnant bellies, soccer games, guitar playing, arrests, little colourful fish and hair-washing to name but a few - and in the process became one of the biggest participatory events in history.

The project was the brainchild of founder Kyle Ruddick who, in 2008, had the idea of using cinema to connect people from across the globe. Since then, with the support of non-government organisations and the United Nations Development Program, it has turned into a social networking phenomenon where not only films but stories and information are shared.

A feature length film of the project will be released in the near future, but for now a trailer has been released to give a brief glimpse into this ambitious project.