News Culture

Urban Explorers Shed Light on London’s Underground

An emerging sub culture of urban explorers is finding there is still much to be explored in our tired old towns

Gemma O'Donoghue
July 18, 2011


The urge to explore can be a little tricky to satisfy in this day and age, but the desire to find something new, go somewhere different and get an adrenalin hit along the way remains. Silent UK tells the stories of urban explorers, an emerging (and international) subcultural group dedicated to delving into closed, unknown and abandoned city spaces— the derelict buildings and the drainpipes we walk past everyday.

In a new short film that takes viewers into London's underground tube network, the explorers talk frankly about what motivates their adventures — the appeal of unknown places, the beauty in what others may deem ugly, and the photographic opportunities. Mostly the explorers just do it because it's fun. That, and the fact that there is also a real risk of danger, something you should give some serious thought to if you find yourself eyeing off your local drainpipe.