Beautiful Losers

Exploding with words, laughter, music and madness, if there was ever an excuse to steal a car, drive all night and howl at the moon Beautiful Losers is it.
Karina Abadia
Published on September 01, 2012


I'm not usually one to wish I had been born in a different time period but if there is one book which made me feel this way, it would be Jack Kerouac's On the Road. His description of the emergence of Beat Culture in 1950s and the absolute sense of  freedom, optimism and creativity it entailed made me want to pack up my things, hitch-hike across the USA and ride as far west as I could go, eating apple pie along the way for sustenance.

Of course easier said than done but luckily, you can relive it all to a degree in upcoming play Beautiful Losers, a drama/comedy based on the crazed and inspired relationship between writer Jack Kerouac and con artist, car thief Neal Cassady and their journeys through America. In their pursuit of the ultimate high, Jack and Neal leave New York City for Mexico, accompanied by a soundtrack of cool jazz, conversation, amphetamines and booze. On arrival in Mexico they are thrust into the world of William Burroughs and his partner Joan – what happens next is a combination of high times, low deeds and cruel tragedy – almost unbelievable but terribly true.

Exploding with words, laughter, music and madness, if there was ever an excuse to steal a car, drive all night and howl at the moon Beautiful Losers is it.


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