Cut and Paste

Your chance to plagiarise, artistically.
Lara Thomas
Published on May 13, 2014


It's frustrating to try and write eloquent sentences when there are so many other people out there who've simply done it better. What if you could take their words and make them your own (without being called a plagiarist)?

Jenna Gavin's new interactive installation Cut and Paste gives viewers the chance to rewrite the history of New Zealand poetry. Cut and Paste is a literary inspired digital artwork which allows viewers to take pieces of established New Zealand poetry and transform them into new creations. Using the metaphor of a scrapbook, Cut and Paste invites the audience to select words from New Zealand poems - which become a trigger for a digital poetry lexicon, creating a brand new poem that will appear on the screen.

Cut and Paste is a refreshing exhibition that mixes play, art and literature.  It demonstrates the nature of creativity by showing how new concepts stem from existing ideas. After all, it's not where you take it from , it's where you take it to.

Cut and Paste opens this weekend along with  the Auckland Writer's Festival, part of the inspiration behind the work.

the chance to rewrite the history of New Zealand poetry


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