Event Auckland


Markus is the guy who typically does not get the girl, only in this film he does and it's a delight to watch.
Karina Abadia
October 21, 2012


An attractive woman walks into a cafe. An attractive man who happens to be sitting in said cafe notices her. They start talking, fall in love and get married. Everything is blissful until that fateful day when, as the husband is out jogging, a car crashes into him and he dies. So far so predictable. Luckily however, after this rather 'ho hum' beginning Delicacy manages to redeem itself rather nicely.

The grief-stricken widow Nathalie is played by Andrey Tatou. Unable to cope with the enormity of her loss, she throws herself into her work. Men go weak at the knees at the sight of her yet for three years she chooses not to date anyone. That is until one day she absentmindedly walks over and passionately kisses her Swedish colleague, Markus (Francoise Damiens). When he later brings it up she claims not to remember the incident and tries to convince him to forget it. But he's not giving up that easily, he, like all those around him, is love struck.

The development of their relationship is where the beauty in this film lies. Markus isn't your typical goodlooking leading man. He hasn't a clue about fashion, is balding and isn't the least bit chiselled. The fact he lives alone in a one bedroom flat and keeps to himself means the audience is often left to ponder what he's thinking. Most of his colleagues pay no attention to him but once he's got Nathalie's attention he quietly charms her with his funny and sweet nature. Naturally there are a few hurdles but Nathalie proves to be a little bit wiser than the trophy girl people take her for and the chemistry between these two comes across as refreshingly genuine.

Markus is the guy who typically does not get the girl, only in this film he does and it's a delight to watch.



Thursday, November 8, 2012 - Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thursday, November 8 - Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Various cinemas in Auckland


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