Karley Feaver: Creaturely Wonders

Karley Feaver’s new exhibition Creaturely Wonders challenges the common aversion people have towards taxidermy.
Karina Abadia
Published on October 08, 2012


Karley Feaver’s latest exhibition Creaturely Wonders challenges the common aversion people have towards taxidermy by blurring the line between this act of preservation and elegant modern sculpture. Some of the works in the exhibition are purely animal, while others are the possible results of crossbreeding between flora and fauna.

Death is a common theme in Feaver’s work and it's difficult not to think about a life ending when you look at taxidermied animals. Yet she manages to emphasis its aesthetic value here; the morbid is transformed into something beautiful and life-affirming. Her current interests lie in the boundaries between the natural and the artificial, along with nature’s ability to adapt to an urban setting.


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