Leon Bridges

Two-chord wonders, oozing soul ballads, silky doo-wop, elemental rock’n’roll and big-band numbers.
Stephen Heard
Published on December 07, 2015


Leon Bridges’ throw back appeal has made him one of the year’s most talked about artists. Hailing from Texas, the singer performs a brand of gospel-soul that tips its hat to the pioneers of ‘60s rhythm and blues.

Initially performing solo at open-mic nights in his home town of Fort Worth, it wasn’t until he connected with likeminded musicians and started posting music online that his profile skyrocketed. In the midst of a heated bidding war he penned a deal with Columbia Records. And the rest is history.

With three lauded singles his debut album Coming Home cracked the top ten worldwide and he managed to sell out his own headline run through the states in a matter of minutes.

This January will see Leon Bridges perform his first-ever show in New Zealand at Auckland’s St James Theatre. He will be joined by his full band to perform two-chord wonders, oozing soul ballads, silky doo-wop, elemental rock’n’roll and big-band numbers.


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