For those who were fans of the Goosebumps choose-your-adventure series growing up (or the new Black Mirror Bandersnatch movie), Mistranslation Laboratory is your kind of Fringe Festival performance. Audiences of no more than twelve per sitting will be offered a free set of three miniature performances, which will have been selected by the audience from ten, made-to-order options offered by the Mistranslation Laboratory's somewhat unreliable "choreographic scientists".
When performances aren't underway, the Mistranslation Laboratory will be open to all and data collected from these theatrical experiments will be curated as works-on-paper, sound installation, and interactive sculpture on-site.
Mistranslation Laboratory will be showing in the Basement Theatre from 19-23 February (4-8pm, shows 5pm, 6pm, 7pm) and in Britomart from 26 Feb, 1-3 March (3-8pm, shows 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm).