Event Grafton

Popped Culture

Take the hassle out of the morning grind.
Stephen Heard
September 17, 2015


Making breakfast is a pain sometimes, especially when there’s the very alluring option of gaining some additional snooze-time in bed. Thankfully, a new event series is set to take all the hassle out of the morning grind by providing the most important meal of the day.

While, yes, you could just go to a cafe, the point of difference with Popped Culture is in the use of unexpected locations, and a focus on enhancing two pivotal players in the breakfast game - coffee and toast. Each two-hour event will unite independent coffee roasters Coffee Supreme with some of the city’s hotly-tipped chefs, bakers, and hospitality professionals.

The first Popped Culture will be held in a pop-up space at the top of at Newton’s SKHY Apartments with chef Tom Hishon of Orphans Kitchen bringing some of his favourite toast toppings to the table, aboard organic seeded sourdough made famous by Carter Were of Were Brothers. Sophie Wolanski of Muck Floral will also be on hand, selling fresh stems from her flower cart.

Photo credit: Marx Design




Thursday, September 17, 2015 - Saturday, September 19, 2015

Thursday, September 17 - Saturday, September 19, 2015


SKHY Apartments
44 Khyber Pass Road


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