Score Generators

Take your smartphone with you and enter into a holographic world.
Karina Abadia
Published on June 28, 2013


Everything is music. The vehicle could be a wall, a building, or your next cup of coffee. Shannon Novak uses his own language of animated geometric forms and instrumental sounds to showcase the musicality all around us. In Score Generators, he brings twelve everyday objects within Aotea Centre to life as virtual art works you can see by using your smartphone or tablet.

The technology used to develop Novak’s work is augmented reality (AR). AR has traditionally been used in architectural plans, by the military to overlay important information on soldier’s eyewear and in navigational tools to provide real time street information. But in this exhibition when you hold a mobile device like a smartphone or tablet over an object, an animation with sound will overlay that object in real time. The real world is ‘augmented’ with virtual objects.

Guided Tours

Shannon will be taking guided tours of the exhibition between 12pm and 1pm on Saturday June 29, July 6 and July 13. You don't have to have your own device for these tours but if you have one it's a good idea to bring it. To book, rsvp to [email protected]

Before You Arrive
You'll need to install the free Aurasma app onto your smartphone to view the exhibition. For instructions on how to set it up, click here.


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