Arts & Entertainment

The Drawing Room Presents: Christmashup

This free life drawing class will feature festive characterisation and live music.
By Stephen Heard
November 30, 2020

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Cassette Nine

Vulcan Lane, Auckland

The Drawing Room offers an alternative approach to life drawing by focusing on storytelling, characterisation and live music. On Thursday, 3 December, the collective presents Christmashup, a festive event for artists of all skill levels.

The immersive event retells the cherished story of how a lowly shepherd who forgot to book an AirBnB and his 14-year-old virgin girlfriend became parents to the son of God. Cassette Nine will serve as the manger for the evening, where participants are invited to draw the scene at hand involving Santa, Mary and a bouncing baby Jesus.

Artists can decide how they want to depict the models while receiving some guidance from the event hosts. The Drawing Room provides basic art materials if you provide the imagination. Photography and participation are encouraged. The event is free, although koha is appreciated.

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