Victoria Cassells: Musings

In Musings, Victoria Cassells' third solo exhibition, she has drawn on memories, emotions, past foibles, flights of fancy and the art of storytelling, for her latest series of portraits.
Karina Abadia
Published on July 02, 2012


In Musings, Victoria Cassells' third solo exhibition, she has drawn on memories, emotions, past foibles, flights of fancy and the art of storytelling for her latest series of portraits. She strives to create an atmospheric narrative, one that encourages the viewer to weave their own story around the characters in such works as Gretel Was Coping Just Fine, and The Butcher’s Wife.

Her palette with its glowing, soft colours can seem gentle, but this is perhaps deceptive as Cassells’ characters themselves can be dark and quirky, though not without humour. All is not quite what it first appears.


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