Cycling and Drinking Finally Combine in Melbourne’s First Bier Bike

But there's a very big non-alcoholic catch.
Meg Watson
Published on September 18, 2014

Cycling and drinking are both familiar pastimes for us Melburnians. Though there's much room for improvement, our city is regarded as one of the best in Australia for those on their bikes. Fixies are chained up along every sidewalk in the city and inner suburbs, and our foodie culture is second to none. Now these two very good things are being combined to make something extraordinary. Melbourne is getting its very first bier bike.

Inspired by the tourist-heavy mobile bars that roam the streets and festivals of Germany, Munich Brauhaus have created The Munich Bier Bike. A 14-seater unit powered by those on board, the bier bike will be hitting the streets of the CBD and Southwharf just in time for Oktoberfest. If you had a problem with cyclists on the roads before, just wait until you're stuck behind this beer-swinging, lane-veering monstrosity.

But really, it's not as dangerous as it sounds. Though anyone who's visited Munich or Berlin will be familiar with the sight of six drunkards weaving through traffic on what looks like a piece of adult play equipment, this Australian equivalent will be super safe. For starters, you don't have the power to steer it. The bier bike will be controlled by an outside operator who will importantly remain sober — the road rules still exist, y'know?

While that's all well and good, there are a couple of other rules you should know about before sliding into you lederhosen and cycling lycra. Namely, all the beer on board is strictly non-alcoholic. Unlike the German version where you only have to start the journey sober, you're going to be riding out this whole thing dry. Also — pesky road rules again — you'll have to wear a helmet.

Lord Mayor Robert Doyle used his bright pink socks as a distraction while he jumped on without one, but you might not be so lucky.

For more information on how to hire the bier bike or how much it will cost you, keep and eye on the Munich Brauhaus website.

Published on September 18, 2014 by Meg Watson
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