Tudors to Windsors: British Royal Portraits

Bendigo Art Gallery's ode to the history of the British monarchy.
Hudson Brown
Published on March 15, 2019

In partnership with


The tree-lined streets of Bendigo sometimes seem like they could be straight out of a royal parade. And when you consider Bendigo Art Gallery's latest exhibition, Tudors to Windsors: British Royal Portraits, that's actually quite fitting.

Featuring more than 200 works loaned from London's National Portrait Gallery, this exhibition delves into the legendary figures and historical moments from five British dynasties — the Tudors, the Stuarts, the Georgians, the Victorians and the Windsors. Highlights include landmark paintings, photographs and sculptural works depicting King Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth II, King George III, Princess Diana and Prince William — among many others. You'll also find some personal effects on display, pulled from Historic Royal Palaces, the Fashion Museum in Bath and the Royal Armouries, including George IV's royal christening gown and the coronation gloves of Queen Elizabeth I (1558) and Queen Elizabeth II (1953).

Opening Saturday, March 16, Tudors to Windsors: British Royal Portraits will allow you to stroll through 500 years of regal history and see works from many historically significant artists, including Sir Joshua Reynolds and Lord Snowdon (Princess Margaret's husband). The exhibition also adds a contemporary flair with more recent works by the likes of Andy Warhol, Chris Levine and Annie Leibovitz on display, too.

And to celebrate this landmark exhibition, a number of activations fit for a king or queen will be popping up around the city. You can partake in a traditional high tea at The Vault Eatery, trace the steps of former royals on a historic CBD walking tour or take a train ride to Castlemaine in the same luxury carriages that Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Princess Diana once used. Meanwhile, the Royal Tram Pop-Up Cafe will take pride of place in the piazza, right beside the Alexandra fountain, which was opened in 1881 by Prince Albert Victor and Prince George. The tram will be festively kitted out with a Union Jack wrap and will serve coffee, tea, biscuits and more.

Tudors to Windsors: British Royal Portraits will run from Saturday, March 16 to Sunday, July 14. Tickets cost $25. For more information and to book tickets, head this way

Images: Lightness of Being, 2007 (NPG 6963), Chris Levine; Barbara Palmer (née Villiers), Duchess of Cleveland, with her son, Charles Fitzroy, as the Virgin and Child, by Sir Peter Lely c.1664 © National Portrait Gallery, London; King George VI by Meredith Frampton, 1929 © National Portrait Gallery, London/private collection. Lent by Trustees of Barnardo's, 1997; King William III by an unknown artist, c.1695 © National Portrait Gallery, London; Queen Elizabeth I (The 'Ditchley' portrait) by Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger, c.1592 © National Portrait Gallery, London; Queen Victoria by Bertha Müller, after Heinrich von Angeli, c.1900, based on a work of 1899 © National Portrait Gallery, London.


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