Travel & Leisure

Rest and Recovery

Take a load off with float therapy at this Fyshwick recovery centre.
By Nick Carolan
July 08, 2021
Rest & Recovery Centre

19 Wollongong Street, Fyshwick

Canberra has so many action-packed activities on offer, you can really put your body through a lot in quite a short timeframe — we're talking bouldering, indoor snowboarding, axe throwing, mountain biking and hiking. So, to restore a little balance in your trip, plan some downtime at Rest and Recovery.

This therapy centre offers everything from remedial and hotstone massages to sessions in an infrared sauna and compression therapy. Ever tried float therapy? It's known to provide pain relief and reduce stress hormones. For around 50 minutes you'll lay in total darkness and silence in a custom float tank floating in about ten inches of warm saltwater. Here, you can try it for $59, or the centre offers package deals with some of the other services.

Images: Nathan Harradine Hale

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