State Governments Will Issue On-the-Spot Fines for Disobeying the New Two-Person Gathering Rule

And for leaving your home for a non-essential reason.
Samantha Teague
Published on March 30, 2020

UPDATE: MARCH 31, 2020 — Since publication, the NSW and Victorian Governments have both released detailed directions surrounding enforcement of the new public gathering and social distancing rules.


Police in NSW and Victoria will start handing out on-the-spot fines from midnight tonight, Monday, March 30, for those disobeying the new rules surrounding public gatherings and social distancing. Announced last night by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, indoor and outdoor gatherings must now be limited to two people, excluding those in your household.

If you're not with those you live with, you should only be with one other person. The previous gathering limit was ten people. It was also announced that public playgrounds, outdoor gyms and skateparks will close from today.

The new two-person limit on public gatherings does not apply to weddings (which have a current limit of five people) and funerals (which have a limit of ten), but it does apply to group bootcamps.

Also announced last night are new restrictions on social distancing. Outlined by the Prime Minister, and reiterated by NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Victorian Premier Dan Andrews this morning, Australians should only be leaving their homes for one of four reasons: shopping for what you need — such as food and other essential supplies — "as infrequently as possibly"; for medical care or compassionate reasons; to exercise, in-line with the new two-person limit; and for work or education if you cannot work or learn remotely.

Both Premiers said that leaving your home for an unnecessary reason could also land you an on-the-spot fine.

On-the-spot fines for individuals not following the new public gathering and social distancing rules are $1652 in Victoria and $1000 in NSW. Penalties are also in place for those not following self-isolation regulations.

You can find out more about the new public gathering and social distancing rules at here, and find out how they're being enforced in Victoria and NSW via the State Government websites.

To find out more about the status of COVID-19 in Australia and how to protect yourself, head to the Australian Government Department of Health's website.

Published on March 30, 2020 by Samantha Teague
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