Nothing For Dinner

Bin to plate.
Concrete Playground
Published on July 07, 2016


Food waste is a pressing issue. The national cost of household food disposed to the landfill from 2014 - 2015 was a whopping $872 million. In a bid to create awareness and ultimately reduce that figure, self-proclaimed food hackers The Cult Project are set to use some imagination and their know-how in the kitchen to present a dinner made out of what would typically be destined for the garbage bin.

The three-course meal will be made in collaboration with food rescuers Kiwi Harvest and whole food eatery Misters Real Food. Attendees have been promised "a thought provoking night packed with creative food and drink" and should also be prepared to roll up their sleeves.

The ticket price includes snacks, three courses and a non-alcoholic drink. For each ticket sold, $1 will be donated to Kiwi Harvest, which means two meals delivered.

For more events like this, check out our handy guide to Auckland Restaurant Month.


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