At-Home COVID-19 Testing Is Now Available for Melburnians Who Can't Leave Their House

The Victorian Government has launched a new 'call-to-test' service for people with disability, carers, the elderly and those with chronic health conditions.
Sarah Ward
Published on August 10, 2020

With Victoria currently under lockdown — stage four restrictions in metropolitan Melbourne, and stage three elsewhere — stemming the spread of COVID-19 is the state's number-one aim. Staying at home is clearly a key tactic, as is wearing masks and, when you are out of the house out, maintaining social distancing. So too is getting tested if you display any coronavirus symptoms. Alas, doing the latter isn't always easy for everyone.

To assist Victorians who can't go out to obtain a test, the state government has announced a new 'call-to-test' service, which is in effect from today, Monday, August 10. The new program is designed for folks who have difficulty leaving their homes for a number of reasons — such as older Victorians, Victorians with disability, carers, those with chronic health conditions and those with an illness.

Available for free — and on offer Victoria-wide — the at-home service can be accessed via the state's coronavirus hotline, with callers first assessed via a nurse. They'll then be given a GP referral, after which the government will send someone to their home to conduct a test within 48 hours.

As Victorian Health Minister Jenny Mikakos explained in today's daily press conference, "this is designed to ensure that approximately 200 vulnerable Victorians every day will have access to this new testing capacity, making sure that people who might have limited mobility due to disability or might have other vulnerabilities due to chronic health conditions can get tested in their own home".

The 'call-to-test' services joins Victoria's other testing options, including at drive-thru and pop-up sites — for the full list, head to the Department of Health and Human Services website.

To access Victoria's new 'call-to-test' program, contact the state's COVID-19 hotline on 1800 675 398 — or visit the Department of Health and Human Services' coronavirus hub online for further details.

Published on August 10, 2020 by Sarah Ward
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