It Looks Like Victorians Will Be Required to Wear Face Masks Until At Least the End of 2020

And possibly into 2021, too.
Sarah Ward
Published on October 28, 2020

It has been more than three months since wearing a face mask was made compulsory in metropolitan Melbourne. And, although many of the city's strict COVID-19 requirements are slowly easing — including allowing Melburnians to leave the house for any reason, and the reopening of hospitality venues for dine-in service — the need to cover your face isn't changing any time soon anywhere in Victoria.

After tightening the rules around wearing a mask at the end of September, with fitted face masks now required, Premier Daniel Andrews has confirmed that Victorians will be donning them for at least the rest of 2020. "Masks need to be with us across the whole state for some time to come," he advised.

"We'll be wearing masks, I think, at least until the end of the year. And we could be wearing masks into next year," Premier Andrews noted. "It is a very low price to pay for potentially a very significant benefit," he said, while also stating that the mask requirement will remain in place for "as long as it serves a useful purpose".

Premier Andrews made the announcement about masks as part of his daily press conference on Tuesday, October 27, when he outlined the changes to in-home visiting rules — allowing every household to visit another household, or host another household, once a day.

As has been the case since late September, the only face coverings that are currently acceptable are fitted face masks that cover the nose and mouth. Although bandanas, scarves and face shields were previously allowed, that's no longer the case.

If you're now wondering where to grab a fitted mask, we've put together a rundown of local companies making and selling them.

For more information about the status of COVID-19 and the current restrictions, head over to the Department of Health and Human Services website.

Published on October 28, 2020 by Sarah Ward
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