In the converted Bankside Power Station, the Tate Modern is the home of groundbreaking, world-famous exhibitions covering a vast range of artists from the Modernist movement of the early 1900s until the present day. This unusual mid-century industrial site became a powerhouse for exploring this new age of art, with its unusual techniques and materials, challenging subject matter and provocative works. Wander the iconic Turbine Hall and white-walled warrens of free collections and ticketed exhibitions.
Expect any and everything, from cinema and sculpture to interactive pieces and immersive soundscapes. Legendary artists and newcomers alike feature, with explorations of identity, collaborative community portraits, and the British artistic movement. It's also home to visiting exhibitions from around the world. They even have after dark music events, and the occasional food and drink tasting.
Images: Visit London, Jon Reid
Tate ModernBankside