Emerging Writers’ Festival 2014

It's that time of year again. All the sexy nerds have come out to play.
Meg Watson
Published on May 27, 2014


Writing can be a lonely business. Crouched over a fluorescent glowing computer screen for most of your day, your main social interactions will regularly come from a nerdy #QandA exchange on Twitter rather than anything meaningful IRL. But once a year, all the beautiful (if not a little sun-deprived) creatives come out to play. The Emerging Writers' Festival is back for another year; it's time to get your fix in awkward literary puns, super-helpful panels, and much-needed drinks with your fellow writers.

Comprised of parties, panels, performances and workshops, this annual festival is a one-stop-shop for all your writerly needs. Learn up about the literary merit of the average sext, hear a panel of writers let loose about the industry in the dark, or head along to the Emerging Q&A to have all your burning questions answered.

This year's festival comes with a particular focus on the creative industries of fiction, poetry and screenwriting, so it's bad luck to any emerging journalists out there. However, the hands-on experience on offer is bound to be helpful nonetheless. The Freelancing for Life Masterclass will finally be teaching us hopeless freelancing creatives how to file a correct tax return/organise our lives entirely. An all-day screenwriting workshop will be showing you the ins and outs of writing for film and television. Then this Digital Writers' Masterclass is there to guide you through the thorny terrain of writing for the web.

Whatever your poison, EWF has you covered in some way or another. Even if you're not interested in writing, you're bound to like the parties all the same. As the festival openly declares, it's pretty much the best place to go if you're on the lookout for sexy nerds.

The Emerging Writers' Festival runs from May 27 till June 6 in locations all across the city. Check out the full program at the Emerging Writers' Festival website.


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