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This Photographer Has Captured The Strange Faces People Make After a Shot

Prepare to be very self-conscious next time you're at the bar.

Meg Watson
November 02, 2014


Here's a secret from every bartender who's ever served you: you look absolutely ridiculous doing a shot. But, if we're being fair, so does everyone. The only people who can pull it off are cowboys shooting whiskey in old Westerns and even then, it was probably fake booze. Now, cheeky British photographer Tim Charles is revealing the true face of your tequila-soaked stupor; he's giving people snapshots of their face after a shot.

The project, aptly titled Shot Face, features over 30 strangers in this alarming and unguarded moment. Inspired by the ridiculous grimace his girlfriend made one night after slamming a shot at the bar, he recruited people from his friends group, casting sites and Gumtree. They were then offered tequila, gin or sambuca, and the rest came naturally.

"You start to appreciate some of the subtleties people display," Charles told the Daily Mail. "My original favourite is the one of Elena (in the pink and white top), I love the way her arm is up in the air, almost as if she's saying 'stop' or 'give me a minute', it always makes me laugh when I see it."

In a way, the photographs remind us of the posters for Lars Von Trier's Nymphomaniac. Though they're very different in context, the same sense of immediacy and intimacy is still very much present. But... now that we've said that, we've ruined the series entirely. Good luck scrolling through these and keeping your mind out of the gutter.

Either way, it's some definite food for thought next time you feel like a tequila slammer on a fancy night out.

Via Petapixel and Daily Mail. All photos via Tim Charles.