News Culture

Look Out, Melbourne Taxis Have Just Raised Their Fares

Your cab home tonight will be at least $6 more expensive.

Meg Watson
May 24, 2014


Sorry to break it to you, but your cab home tonight will be at least $6 more expensive. After a review from the Essential Services Commission and a subsequent ruling from the state government, Melbourne taxis this week see their first fare rise since 2008. Much to our tragic, drunken despair, the biggest price hikes are going to those late-night rides home on the weekend.

Between 10pm and 4am on Friday and Saturday nights punters will now be paying $6.20 in flagfall fees alone. If you're after a maxi, expect that fee to rise to $14. Flagfall rates during the day will also be jumping to $4.20, and a ride on weeknights will set you back $5.20 from the get go. Across the board, the changes equate to a price rise of 12.5 percent. That is unless you're up for travelling short distances — then your fare has magically doubled. Yeouch.

While any rise in prices is understandably easy to moan about, the changes may in fact help inner-city commuters in the long-run. Not only will there be more cabs on the weekends as drivers fight to get the bigger fares, but it may also be an incentive for taxis to drive you short distances. No longer do you have to bribe and convince drivers to take you from the CBD to Fitzroy! I think we all know that awkward (and illegal) Saturday night exchange that ends in them locking their doors, speeding away, and leaving you to begrudgingly make your way home in inappropriate walking shoes.

However, it is interesting that these fees come at a time of flux for the industry. The controversial ride-sharing service Uber has secured most of its business in Australian cities on the fact that it's cheaper than local taxis. Though its Melbourne drivers have recently faced legislative action from the state government, it doesn't look to be disappearing any time soon. And, with these latest price rises, more and more commuters may be looking for alternatives.

Either that, or you can stay out till 5am and avoid the hefty flagfall. Boney, anyone?

Via The Herald Sun. Photo credits: Savio Sebastian via photopin cc and mugley via photopin cc.