
Win Tickets To The Indian Film Festival Melbourne 2013

Win tickets to see your choice of a rich, lively program showcasing India's finest films.

Tara Kenny
April 30, 2013


Go to the cinema in India and you're in for a real show — answering the blower at pivotal narrative moments and launching into loud, unbridled conversation, heavy jostling, impromptu singalongs minus the bouncing red ball and throwing betel nuts in particularly involving sequences are all common practice. Amidst all this lively commotion, it's easy to lose sight of the real action taking place onscreen, a crying shame considering the vividly crafted, infectiously emotive hyperrealities for which the Indian film industry has become world famous.

This May, the second annual Indian Film Festival of Melbourne, which fortuitously falls on the 100-year anniversary of Indian films, brings a broad selection of more than 60 of India and the wider subcontinent's best cinema to local Hoyts and ACMI theatres. Highlights include ACMI's 100 Years of Indian Cinema program, pure sequin-encrusted escapism via Hurrah Bollywood and the counter-balancing Beyond Bollywood, a collection of experimental arthouse films that suggest a deeper side to the industry, beyond much-appreciated heaving bosoms and random explosions of song.

Thanks to the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne, we have two double passes, valid for any screening throughout the festival, to giveaway. To be in the running, subscribe to Concrete Playground (if you haven't already) then email us with your name and postal address at

Image via Indian Film Festival of Melbourne 2013.