After more than two weeks without any new COVID-19 cases, and the final active case now recovered, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that New Zealand is ready to move to Alert Level 1. Cabinet has agreed that the nation will transition to the lowest possible alert level from midnight Monday, 8 June. All current rules and social distancing restrictions will essentially be lifted. The move means that gatherings of any size are allowed to take place, restaurants and bars can operate as usual without seating limitations, and large public spaces including retail outlets and cinemas won't be required to count heads. Alert Level 1 also sees everyone being able to return without restriction to work, school, sports and domestic travel. Stringent border controls remain for those entering New Zealand, including health screening and testing for all arrivals, and mandatory 14-day managed quarantine or isolation. Ardern advised that it's still important to keep basic hygiene measures in place. The "golden rules" include staying home if you're unwell, washing your hands and coughing or sneezing into your elbow, keep track of where you've been and who you've seen to assist with contact tracing, and to stay vigilant. New Zealand moves to Alert Level 1 from midnight Monday, 8 June, 2020. For more information about the Government's alert system, visit