Drinkify makes sure you'll never drink alone again. Created in 24 presumably booze-soaked hours, the website matches whatever music you're listening to with the perfect drink. Combining information about genres and audio summaries of tracks from The Echo Nest with the treasure trove that is Last.fm, along with a truly astonishing appreciation for alcohol, Drinkify is weirdly and delightfully accurate. For example, if you're spending a lonesome night indoors being serenaded by Johnny Cash and your vanilla Coke seems oddly inappropriate, you'll want to combine yourself 4 oz. of Jack Daniels and 4 oz. of honey in a highball glass and sit back and just see if you don't feel the world become a better place. To fully enjoy listening to M83, for example, you'd be advised to combine 8 oz. of water and 8 oz. of iced tea in a highball glass, whereas if you're hanging out to OFWGKTA things get a little more complex, and you'll need to get yourself one bottle of 'rum, fucking rum', one bottle of honey and 4 oz. of Worcestershire sauce, combined in a highball glass, and garnish with a twist of grapefruit. Chilling to Sleigh Bells is simplest of all: 10 oz. of whiskey, neat. And to demonstrate just how accurate Drinkify appears to be, they recommend listening to Gotye with 8oz of vodka, served neat, stirred quickly and garnished with a glow stick, and believe a quiet evening with SBTRKT requires 1 oz. cocaine, on the rocks, garnished with sparklers.