It all gets a bit much sometimes, doesn't it? With global warming, economic collapse in America, riots in London, population explosions in India, the destruction of forest in Indonesia, the cost of housing in Sydney (in fact, the cost of everything in Sydney), even the optimists among us would have to agree that we have some serious challenges to meet, and we will need some seriously good ideas to meet them. So it is nice to know that there are people like Polish architect Aleksander Krasinski, a man whose foresight might prove to be as far reaching as his imagination. Krasinski, who already has a enviable architectural career, has developed and designed the concept of the floating artificial island in response the potential threats of rising sea levels. The artificial island, which resembles a giant skyscraper, would be approximately 1000 metres in height and diameter and would include luxury apartments, office spaces, an airport, a sea port, gardens and pubic areas, all of which would centre around inner atrium, which would be dedicated to commercial and recreational pursuits. It is also remarkably beautiful. Housing up to 52,096 people, the artificial island might be the antidote to some of the world's future potential geographical and ecological problems. And while realistically, it may not be something we see in our lifetime, it nice to know the grandkids might have somewhere nice to live.