Australian brothers Mike and Scott Norrie are onto a winner. While traveling through Africa, they were inspired to create a way to share music sustainably, and came up with Tembo Trunks. These silicone speakers integrate with your earphones, amplifying the sound to 80 decibels. Foldable, stackable, washable and virtually indestructible, they are the ultimate in sustainable speakers as they require no power, are made up of one material and are designed to last. The speakers are meant for use in a casual setting. "Don't expect to bust an eardrum or feel the ground shake when you're playing your music," say the Norrie brothers, "that's kinda the point." They're a great addition to any traveller's suitcase, and will soon be available in a range of bright colours. As a clever way of raising seed funding, the team allow you to pre-order a set of speakers by backing Tembo Trunks on Kickstarter. For a lazy ten grand you can even become the 'Chief of Colour' and the brothers will fly you to Sydney and cook you a beach-side BBQ. [Via PSFK]