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Pantone Beer Could Solve All Your Rookie Questions at the Bar

Take the guesswork out of ordering with a delicious 4975C.

Meg Watson
September 20, 2014


As craft and boutique beer become more and more common, the pastime of sinking a few brews become increasingly complicated. Like snooty wine connoisseurs, beer drinkers are now expected to pick up on subtle flavours and new styles. Coffee IPA is a thing that exists, for instance. And, if you're not well trained in the dark (ale) arts, the act of ordering a beer can be a bit daunting.

Rookies can now breathe a sigh of relief. Spanish creative agency Txaber have devised a beautiful, simple system to categorise and label beer using every design nerd's favourite, Pantone. Under their labelling, beer names would no longer sound like children's books  — looking at you White Rabbit and Little Creatures. Instead, they would simply be categorised by the exact Pantone colour of the liquid.

Classed into nine varieties of beer, the system makes clear the important differences between pale ale, lager and pilsner or dark ale, porter and stout. Of course, it makes no mention of the taste, but it's an easy shortcut for those who are more visually minded. Instead of telling the bartender you don't want anything too dark, you can now give them a specific colour level you'd be content with. In fact, in case you can't even deal with the different names, you could just point to an item of clothing the same colour as your desired beer. Pantone really is the great equaliser.

Unfortunately there aren't any plans to implement the designs as yet, although the creators are keen for breweries to give them an offer. Personally, we think it's only a matter of time. Who needs a finely crafted, floral-scented summer magic ale when you can have a wheat beer 7412C? A return to basics has never looked so good.

Via Mashable. All images via Txaber.