Arts & Entertainment


An exhibition dedicated to one of earth's most precious metals.
By Hudson Brown
August 03, 2018

Saturday, July 28, 2018 - Saturday, August 11, 2018

Saturday, July 28 - Saturday, August 11, 2018

Station Gallery

9 Ellis Street, South Yarra

Throughout history gold has been one of the earth's most sought after materials. And for Melbourne Art Week 2018, Station Gallery teams up with Berlin-based Arndt Art Agency to showcase a free exploration of the precious metal with a group show of leading contemporary artists from Europe, Asia and Australia.

Focusing on the materiality of gold, Au also considers its more esoteric connotations, including alchemy, the divine and some people's extreme greed for wealth. Across existing and newly commissioned work by 15 Australian and international artists, audiences will get a chance to explore both the gluttonous, spiritual and practical concepts behind gold.

Featuring works from leading international creatives such as Swiss installation artist Thomas Hirschhorn, German filmmaker Julian Rosefeldt and Indigenous Australian painter Danie Mellor, Au presents a range of interpretations of gold and its real-world applications and implications.

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