Beer Mimics Food Showcase from 4 Pines Brewery

HP Sauce and cherries in a beer? Taste it for yourself.
Amy Collins
Published on May 20, 2013


Beer and food, these two things have always gone well together. But how do we feel about beer in food? Chef Andrew McConnell (Cumulus Inc, Cutler and Co., Golden Fields) and Nova Radio National Drive presenter Tim Blackwell have had a chance to create a food and beer match like no other when 4 Pines Brewing Company gave them the keys to the brewery with the challenge to create a beer based on their favourite foods.

McConnell has gone a little left of centre, creating an ale with HP sauce in his McConnell’s Signature Relish Ale, while sweets lover Blackwell has gone sweet with a lager-style beer infused with cherry, vanilla, cocoa and cinnamon in his Tim’s Cherry Pie.

On Wednesday May 22, both brews will be unveiled to the public at The Builders Arms Hotel as part of Good Beer Week. The everyday beer lover can head along, taste the new beers and decide, does food really go with beer?

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